Home » Scientists have discovered new saber-toothed cats


Scientists have discovered new saber-toothed cats

In the course of excavations, they managed to find the remains of two hitherto unknown to science species of saber-toothed cats that lived in Africa over 5 million years ago. The discovery changed the scientists’ perception of these extinct animals. In addition, the researchers noted that their findings can tell a lot about the changes that occurred in the environment at that time.

Specialists indicated that the extracted remains belonged to two new species, named Dinofelis werdelini, as well as Lokotunjailurus chimsamyae, along with bones of other species already familiar to the scientific community, which were Adeilosmilus kabir and Yoshi obscura Scientists specified that the fossils were found by them near the locality of Langebaanweg, located off the western coast of South Africa.

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